+ + ACTION: ** Buy 1 sniffing tool and get 1 x Schnüffelis for free! + +

Sniffing fun

Using the fun enrichment tools by KNAUDER’S BEST, you are challenging your dog’s innate sniffing behavior and will be able to achieve so much together! They are fun and play, as well as appropriate outlets for energy, stimulation or even distraction and relaxation, all rolled into one. You and your dog will both love them.
Hide small treats between strips of fabric, in pouches and under latches, roll and fold them up - and your all set! By the way: our own line of treats –  Schnüffelis by KNAUDER’S BEST – make a perfect match with all tools we offer.

Added snuffle bonus: Most enrichment tools double as cuddly blankets to properly rest after all the excitement and fun.

All our enrichment tools are made from high-quality materials, they are durable, washable and long-lasting. Since 2022, the greater part of them are certified as animal welfare compliant by the Fachstelle für tiergerechte Tierhaltung und Tierschutz (FtTT, Vienna). This Specialist Unit is an independent body established on the basis of Art. 18 §6 in conjunction with Art. 18a §1 of the Austrian Animal Welfare Act.

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Knauders Best - Bekannt aus
Knauders Best - Bekannt aus